Standout with brilliant Essays!

Struggling with your college essays? DP Tutorials’ expert editors will polish your work to stand out and impress admissions committees. Get help crafting a compelling narrative and boost your chances of acceptance!

We’ve got options for all types!


Essay Editing Process

Upload Your Essay

Submit your essay during checkout, by either uploading it from your files or sharing a Google Doc link

Get Expert Revision

Receive an email with personalized feedback, and resubmit it for final feedback after the first correction

Receive Your Edited Essay

Get the final draft of your checked essay!

  • Popular
    1 Essay + 1 Zoom Session

    Turnaround – 7 Days


We've got options for all types!

Experience the flexibility.

2 Essays
CommonApp, scholarship essays

2000 | Turnaround - 7 Days
  • Comprehensive editing with a brief critique to enhance your essay story
  • Suggestions for improved stylistics and vocabulary
  • Check for typos and grammatical mistakes.
  • Shortened to the specific word limit if needed
  • Best for university supplemental essays (with less than 400 words) such as: Why this college, major etc.

6 Supplementals
No word limit

3600 | Turnaround - 7 Days
  • Comprehensive editing with a brief critique to enhance your essay story
  • Suggestions for improved stylistics and vocabulary
  • Check for typos and grammatical mistakes.
  • Shortened to the specific word limit if needed
  • Best for university supplemental essays (with less than 250 words) such as: Why this college, major etc.

3 Supplementals
less than 400 words

2000 | Turnaround - 7 Days
  • Comprehensive editing with a brief critique to enhance your essay story
  • Suggestions for improved stylistics and vocabulary
  • Check for typos and grammatical mistakes.
  • Shortened to the specific word limit if needed
  • Best for university supplemental essays (with less than 400 words) such as: Why this college, major etc.
  • Edited in 5 days for an extra ৳500
  • Edited in 3 days for an extra ৳1000
  • 1-1 mentoring through Zoom with extra payment [One Zoom session: ৳2000, 2 Zoom sessions ৳2500]

3 Supplementals
less than 250 words

1800 | Turnaround - 7 Days
  • Comprehensive editing with a brief critique to enhance your essay story
  • Suggestions for improved stylistics and vocabulary
  • Check for typos and grammatical mistakes.
  • Shortened to the specific word limit if needed
  • Best for university supplemental essays (with less than 250 words) such as: Why this college, major etc.
  • Edited in 5 days for an extra ৳200
  • Edited in 3 days for an extra ৳700
  • 1-1 mentoring through Zoom with extra payment [One Zoom session: ৳2000, 2 Zoom sessions ৳2500]

Still Confused About the process?

Watch this tutorial!